
In 2016, plans to spend nearly 3 hundred million to develop rural roads

: In 2016, the Ministry of Rural Development will build renovating rural road with a total of 76 projects, with plans to spend about $ 2 thousand 5 thousand million to expand the development of roads in rural areas to improve further. According to the announcement, which took place at the hotel under chairmanship of bland rural minister who attended the workshop Review 2015 Annual rural road and the direction for 2016.
He magnetic Heng, vice president of Rural Road Department of the Ministry of Development of the tracks, said the workshop that the infrastructure of rural roads is a priority one important Royal Government is paying attention to, in construction projects, repair and maintenance of Rural Road there are 76 projects that the project full-time, 43 projects and project reserves amounted to 10 projects.
Street is the artery of the economy that could help boost the local economy, both in the country and it has contributed significantly to facilitate traffic of people in rural areas will help reduce poverty of the people.
The Ministry of Planning and Budget for regular care and maintenance anniversary provinces Municipal emergency road repair and maintenance, as well as improving the bumpy road into a gravel-paved asphalt road, which plans to spend about $ 76100 million.
According to the Ministry of Rural Development, said that the data of the management of rural roads across the country in 2015 amounted to 14609 wireless equivalent of 42498 kilometers, the project construction, repair and improvement of Rural Road has a total of 82 projects with a length of 703 km and construction artist of some 770 places.