
5 reasons you should start the 2016 business otherwise would regret

2016 This is the year you should start a business based on reason 5 below. Believe it or not, just as light and as a capital idea for you only. 5 reasons:1) ASEAN Economic Community startASEAN Economic Community was 10 member countries agreed to set up in late 2015 in a meeting in Malaysia In recent past. If you do not create or start your business this year? And if you do not start? Would Leave You? Surely the near future business conditions will face more competition, and if You can start from now will have the opportunity to stand on the market if you have the right marketing strategy this year.2) banks at more favorable interest rate and provide competitionCommercial banking as well as microfinance institutions in the country and is focused on small and medium-sized business market, which provides the interest rate level of competition interesting. So if you have a clear plan and strategy, and some capital. Do you remember anything?3) no any better,Start creating your business is like a child like this. If you wait until the time he considered the best time, maybe may be too late. There were no less to its habits and ideas. The more you do to be more long no risk in the business, so no better That is starting now.4) You will be a more pleasantAccording to a study conducted abroad named GOBankingRates claimed that people who own businesses it is fun and gives a lot of value to themselves than people working for them. Even if you have a small company feel. Especially not get the pressure on employment and productivity and more innovation will also develop improved.5) You will become richStart a business this year, you will have the opportunity to become rich. Once more step to do business long you will break other business ideas that can earn more And this is the only goal that can make you become rich. So, starting from today.